Recent Newsletters
Schaum Law is dedicated to not only serving the medical professions, but also corporate real estate and other property agreements. We produce a periodic newsletter that is directed toward informing our subscribers to changes in laws that may have a positive or negative effect on their practice or them personally.
Negligence Claim
January 2024 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS It is a safe assumption that in most cases involving negligence issues the defendant would prefer to have the case tried in a federal court, if possible, while for the plaintiff the corollary is true. The basic reason-...
Pending Litigation Fact Pattern
March 2023 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS We offer the following fact pattern for your consideration in a pending litigation which has not yet been decided by the court. McKesson offered oncology practices which guaranteed to purchase a specific quantity of drugs from...
United Health | “Facility” Fees
February 2023 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS United Health, as a plan administrator of many ERISA governed benefit plans refused to pay a facility fee to out-of-network physicians performing surgery at their own medical offices contending that none of their plans...
Comparative Negligence
January 2023 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS The issue of a physician’s sexual relationship with a patient is always challenging and an opinion of New York’s highest court on the question should be of interest. The defendant in this case was a family practice physician...
Medical Practice Licenses
December 2022 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS Did you know that seventeen states permit business corporations or unlicensed individuals to employ physicians to conduct a medical practice? Fortunately, New York is one of the thirty-three states which...
Premium Distribution Resolution
November 2022 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS Finally- finally- finally- we have a resolution of the endless litigation centering around the question of the party entitled to the premium distribution upon the dissolution of MLMIC some years ago. In the initial...
Professional Insurance Premiums
October 2022 To: ALL INTERESTED PHYSICIANS Aside from all else, inflation and the falling worldwide stock markets will cause strains upon the insurance market which will affect us all, both personally and professionally. Insurance premiums do not exist in a vacuum and...